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Version: 4.x

集成 Socket.IO

¥Integrating Socket.IO

Socket.IO 由两部分组成:

¥Socket.IO is composed of two parts:

  • 与 Node.JS HTTP Server( 包)集成(或安装)的服务器

    ¥A server that integrates with (or mounts on) the Node.JS HTTP Server (the package)

  • 在浏览器端加载的客户端库( 包)

    ¥A client library that loads on the browser side (the package)

在开发过程中, 自动为我们服务客户端,正如我们将看到的,所以现在我们只需要安装一个模块:

¥During development, serves the client automatically for us, as we’ll see, so for now we only have to install one module:

npm install

这将安装该模块并将依赖添加到 package.json。现在让我们编辑 index.js 添加它:

¥That will install the module and add the dependency to package.json. Now let’s edit index.js to add it:

const express = require('express');
const { createServer } = require('node:http');
const { join } = require('node:path');
const { Server } = require('');

const app = express();
const server = createServer(app);
const io = new Server(server);

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(join(__dirname, 'index.html'));

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('a user connected');

server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('server running at http://localhost:3000');

请注意,我通过传递 server(HTTP 服务器)对象来初始化 的新实例。然后,我监听传入套接字的 connection 事件并将其记录到控制台。

¥Notice that I initialize a new instance of by passing the server (the HTTP server) object. Then I listen on the connection event for incoming sockets and log it to the console.

现在在 index.html 中的 </body>(结束正文标记)之前添加以下代码片段:

¥Now in index.html add the following snippet before the </body> (end body tag):

<script src="/"></script>
const socket = io();

这就是加载 所需的全部操作,它公开了 io 全局变量(和端点 GET /,然后进行连接。

¥That’s all it takes to load the, which exposes an io global (and the endpoint GET /, and then connect.

如果你想使用本地版本的客户端 JS 文件,可以在 node_modules/ 找到它。

¥If you would like to use the local version of the client-side JS file, you can find it at node_modules/


你还可以使用 CDN 代替本地文件(例如 <script src=""></script>)。

¥You can also use a CDN instead of the local files (e.g. <script src=""></script>).

请注意,当我调用 io() 时,我没有指定任何 URL,因为它默认尝试连接到提供该页面的主机。

¥Notice that I’m not specifying any URL when I call io(), since it defaults to trying to connect to the host that serves the page.


如果你使用反向代理(例如 apache 或 nginx),请查看 它的文档

¥If you're behind a reverse proxy such as apache or nginx please take a look at the documentation for it.

如果你将应用托管在不是网站根目录的文件夹中(例如,那么你还需要在服务器和客户端中指定 路径

¥If you're hosting your app in a folder that is not the root of your website (e.g., then you also need to specify the path in both the server and the client.

如果你现在重新启动该过程(通过按 Control+C 并再次运行 node index.js),然后刷新网页,你应该会看到控制台打印“用户已连接”。

¥If you now restart the process (by hitting Control+C and running node index.js again) and then refresh the webpage you should see the console print “a user connected”.


¥Try opening several tabs, and you’ll see several messages.

A console displaying several messages, indicating that some users have connected

每个套接字还会触发一个特殊的 disconnect 事件:

¥Each socket also fires a special disconnect event:

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('a user connected');
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
console.log('user disconnected');


¥Then if you refresh a tab several times you can see it in action.

A console displaying several messages, indicating that some users have connected and disconnected


¥You can run this example directly in your browser on: