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Version: 4.x

API 概述

¥Overview of the API

在继续之前,让我们快速浏览一下 Socket.IO 提供的 API:

¥Before we go any further, let's take a quick tour of the API provided by Socket.IO:

通用 API

¥Common API


¥The following methods are available for both the client and the server.


¥Basic emit

正如我们在 步骤 #4 中看到的,你可以使用 socket.emit() 向对方发送任何数据:

¥As we have seen in step #4, you can send any data to the other side with socket.emit():



socket.emit('hello', 'world');



io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('hello', (arg) => {
console.log(arg); // 'world'

你可以发送任意数量的参数,并且支持所有可序列化的数据结构,包括二进制对象,如 ArrayBufferTypedArray缓冲(仅限 Node.js):

¥You can send any number of arguments, and all serializable data structures are supported, including binary objects like ArrayBuffer, TypedArray or Buffer (Node.js only):



socket.emit('hello', 1, '2', { 3: '4', 5: Uint8Array.from([6]) });



io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('hello', (arg1, arg2, arg3) => {
console.log(arg1); // 1
console.log(arg2); // '2'
console.log(arg3); // { 3: '4', 5: <Buffer 06> }

不需要在对象上调用 JSON.stringify()

¥Calling JSON.stringify() on objects is not needed:

// BAD
socket.emit('hello', JSON.stringify({ name: 'John' }));

socket.emit('hello', { name: 'John' });



事件很棒,但在某些情况下你可能需要更经典的请求-响应 API。在 Socket.IO 中,该功能被命名为 "acknowledgements"。

¥Events are great, but in some cases you may want a more classic request-response API. In Socket.IO, this feature is named "acknowledgements".


¥It comes in two flavors:


¥With a callback function

你可以添加一个回调作为 emit() 的最后一个参数,一旦对方确认了该事件,就会调用该回调:

¥You can add a callback as the last argument of the emit(), and this callback will be called once the other side has acknowledged the event:



socket.timeout(5000).emit('request', { foo: 'bar' }, 'baz', (err, response) => {
if (err) {
// the server did not acknowledge the event in the given delay
} else {
console.log(response.status); // 'ok'



io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('request', (arg1, arg2, callback) => {
console.log(arg1); // { foo: 'bar' }
console.log(arg2); // 'baz'
status: 'ok'

使用 Promise

¥With a Promise

emitWithAck() 方法提供相同的功能,但返回一个 Promise,一旦对方确认事件,该 Promise 就会解析:

¥The emitWithAck() method provides the same functionality, but returns a Promise which will resolve once the other side acknowledges the event:



try {
const response = await socket.timeout(5000).emitWithAck('request', { foo: 'bar' }, 'baz');
console.log(response.status); // 'ok'
} catch (e) {
// the server did not acknowledge the event in the given delay



io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('request', (arg1, arg2, callback) => {
console.log(arg1); // { foo: 'bar' }
console.log(arg2); // 'baz'
status: 'ok'

不支持 Promise 的环境(例如 Internet Explorer)需要添加一个 polyfill 或使用像 babel 这样的编译器才能使用此功能(但这超出了本教程的范围)。

¥Environments that do not support Promises (such as Internet Explorer) will need to add a polyfill or use a compiler like babel in order to use this feature (but this is out of the scope of this tutorial).


¥Catch-all listeners


¥A catch-all listeners is a listener that will be called for any incoming event. This is useful for debugging your application:



socket.emit('hello', 1, '2', { 3: '4', 5: Uint8Array.from([6]) });



socket.onAny((eventName, ...args) => {
console.log(eventName); // 'hello'
console.log(args); // [ 1, '2', { 3: '4', 5: ArrayBuffer (1) [ 6 ] } ]


¥Similarly, for outgoing packets:

socket.onAnyOutgoing((eventName, ...args) => {
console.log(eventName); // 'hello'
console.log(args); // [ 1, '2', { 3: '4', 5: ArrayBuffer (1) [ 6 ] } ]

服务器 API

¥Server API



正如我们在 步骤 #5 中看到的,你可以使用 io.emit() 将事件广播到所有连接的客户端:

¥As we have seen in step #5, you can broadcast an event to all connected clients with io.emit():

io.emit('hello', 'world');
The 'hello' event is sent to all connected clientsThe 'hello' event is sent to all connected clients



在 Socket.IO 术语中,房间是套接字可以加入和离开的任意通道。它可用于向连接的客户端子集广播事件:

¥In Socket.IO jargon, a room is an arbitrary channel that sockets can join and leave. It can be used to broadcast events to a subset of connected clients:

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
// join the room named 'some room'
socket.join('some room');

// broadcast to all connected clients in the room'some room').emit('hello', 'world');

// broadcast to all connected clients except those in the room
io.except('some room').emit('hello', 'world');

// leave the room
socket.leave('some room');
The 'hello' event is sent to all connected clients in the targeted roomThe 'hello' event is sent to all connected clients in the targeted room

基本上就是这样!为了便于将来参考,整个 API 可以在 此处(服务器)和 此处(客户端)中找到。

¥That's basically it! For future reference, the whole API can be found here (server) and here (client).