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Version: 4.x

MongoDB 适配器


¥How it works

MongoDB 适配器依赖于 MongoDB 的 改变流(因此需要副本集或分片集群)。

¥The MongoDB adapter relies on MongoDB's Change Streams (and thus requires a replica set or a sharded cluster).


¥Every packet that is sent to multiple clients (e.g."room1").emit() or socket.broadcast.emit()) is:

  • 发送到连接到当前服务器的所有匹配客户端

    ¥sent to all matching clients connected to the current server

  • 插入到 MongoDB capped 集合中,并由集群中的其他 Socket.IO 服务器接收

    ¥inserted in a MongoDB capped collection, and received by the other Socket.IO servers of the cluster

Diagram of how the MongoDB adapter worksDiagram of how the MongoDB adapter works

该适配器的源代码可以找到 此处

¥The source code of this adapter can be found here.


¥Supported features

特性 版本支持
套接字管理4.0.0:白色复选标记:是(自版本 0.1.0 起)
服务器间通信4.1.0:白色复选标记:是(自版本 0.1.0 起)
广播并致谢4.5.0:白色复选标记:是(自版本 0.2.0 起)
连接状态恢复4.6.0:白色复选标记:是(自版本 0.3.0 起)



npm install mongodb

对于 TypeScript 用户,你可能还需要 @types/mongodb

¥For TypeScript users, you might also need @types/mongodb.



Socket.IO 集群内的广播数据包是通过创建 MongoDB 文档并在每个 Socket.IO 服务器上使用 改变流 来实现的。

¥Broadcasting packets within a Socket.IO cluster is achieved by creating MongoDB documents and using a change stream on each Socket.IO server.

清理 MongoDB 中的文档有两种方法:

¥There are two ways to clean up the documents in MongoDB:


¥Usage with a capped collection

import { Server } from "";
import { createAdapter } from "";
import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";

const DB = "mydb";
const COLLECTION = "";

const io = new Server();

const mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/?replicaSet=rs0");

await mongoClient.connect();

try {
await mongoClient.db(DB).createCollection(COLLECTION, {
capped: true,
size: 1e6
} catch (e) {
// collection already exists
const mongoCollection = mongoClient.db(DB).collection(COLLECTION);


与 TTL 索引一起使用

¥Usage with a TTL index

import { Server } from "";
import { createAdapter } from "";
import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";

const DB = "mydb";
const COLLECTION = "";

const io = new Server();

const mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/?replicaSet=rs0");

await mongoClient.connect();

const mongoCollection = mongoClient.db(DB).collection(COLLECTION);

await mongoCollection.createIndex(
{ createdAt: 1 },
{ expireAfterSeconds: 3600, background: true }

io.adapter(createAdapter(mongoCollection, {
addCreatedAtField: true




uid该节点的 ID随机 IDv0.1.0
requestsTimeout服务器间请求(例如带有 ack 的 fetchSockets()serverSideEmit())的超时5000v0.1.0
addCreatedAtField是否为每个 MongoDB 文档添加 createdAt 字段falsev0.2.0


¥Common questions

使用 MongoDB 适配器时是否仍需要启用粘性会话?

¥Do I still need to enable sticky sessions when using the MongoDB adapter?

是的。如果不这样做,将导致 HTTP 400 响应(你正在访问不知道 Socket.IO 会话的服务器)。

¥Yes. Failing to do so will result in HTTP 400 responses (you are reaching a server that is not aware of the Socket.IO session).

更多信息可参见 此处

¥More information can be found here.

当 MongoDB 集群宕机时会发生什么?

¥What happens when the MongoDB cluster is down?

如果与 MongoDB 集群的连接被切断,行为将取决于 MongoDB 客户端的 bufferMaxEntries 选项的值:

¥In case the connection to the MongoDB cluster is severed, the behavior will depend on the value of the bufferMaxEntries option of the MongoDB client:

  • 如果其值为 -1(默认),则数据包将被缓冲,直到重新连接。

    ¥if its value is -1 (default), the packets will be buffered until reconnection.

  • 如果它的值为 0,则数据包只会发送到连接到当前服务器的客户端。

    ¥if its value is 0, the packets will only be sent to the clients that are connected to the current server.




¥Latest releases

0.3.22024 年 1 月link0.3.1...0.3.2
0.3.12024 年 1 月link0.3.0...0.3.1
0.3.02023 年 2 月link0.2.1...0.3.0
0.2.12022 年 5 月link0.2.0...0.2.1
0.2.02022 年 4 月link0.1.0...0.2.0
0.1.02021 年 6 月link


¥Complete changelog



MongoDB 触发器允许从另一个 Node.js 进程向连接的客户端发送数据包:

¥The MongoDB emitter allows sending packets to the connected clients from another Node.js process:

Diagram of how the MongoDB adapter worksDiagram of how the MongoDB adapter works



npm install mongodb



const { Emitter } = require("");
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");

const mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/?replicaSet=rs0");

const main = async () => {
await mongoClient.connect();

const mongoCollection = mongoClient.db("mydb").collection("");
const emitter = new Emitter(mongoCollection);

setInterval(() => {
emitter.emit("ping", new Date());
}, 1000);


请参阅备忘单 此处

¥Please refer to the cheatsheet here.