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Version: 4.x


我们将在这里列出与 Socket.IO 生态系统相关的术语:

¥We will list here the terms that are related to the Socket.IO ecosystem:




¥An Adapter is a server-side component which is responsible for:

  • 存储 Socket 实例和 房间 之间的关系

    ¥storing the relationships between the Socket instances and the rooms

  • all(或一部分)客户端广播事件

    ¥broadcasting events to all (or a subset of) clients

除了 Socket.IO 服务器默认包含的 内存适配器 之外,目前还有 5 个官方适配器:

¥Besides the in-memory adapter which is included by default with the Socket.IO server, there are currently 5 official adapters:

内存适配器可以扩展以添加对其他消息传递系统的支持,例如 RabbitMQ 或 Google Pub/Sub。

¥The in-memory adapter can be extended to add support for other messaging systems, like RabbitMQ or Google Pub/Sub for example.

请参阅文档 此处

¥Please see the documentation here.


Engine.IO 是 Socket.IO 的内部组件,负责建立服务器和客户端之间的底层连接。

¥Engine.IO is an internal component of Socket.IO, which is responsible for establishing the low-level connection between the server and the client.

你将找到更多信息 此处

¥You will find more information here.




¥A Namespace is a concept that allows splitting the application logic on the server-side.

请参阅文档 此处

¥Please see the documentation here.



Room 是一个服务器端概念,允许将数据广播到客户端的子集。

¥A Room is a server-side concept that allows broadcasting data to a subset of clients.

请参阅文档 此处

¥Please see the documentation here.




¥A Transport represents the low-level way of establishing a connection between the server and the client.


¥There are currently two implemented transports:

请参阅文档 此处

¥Please see the documentation here.